Members of the ASA Technical Committee on Musical Acoustics

CHAIR TO 2020: Andrew A. Piacsek

Term to 2022:

Edgar J. Berdahl

Judith C. Brown

Vasileios Chatziioannou

Thomas M. Huber

Christopher M. Jasinski

Wilfried Kausel

Bozena Kostek

Timothy W. Leishman

Daniel O. Ludwigsen

Andrew N. Miller

Robert Mores

Thomas D. Rossing

Daniel A. Russell

David B. Sharp

Julius O. Smith

William J. Strong

Joe Wolfe

Term to 2021:

Ernesto Accolti

Judit Angster

Rolf Bader

Xavier Boutillon

Jonas Braasch

Murray D. Campbell

Whitney L. Coyle

Nicholas J. Giordano

William M. Hartmann

Keith A. Moore

John C. Price

Brad H. Story

Sten O. Ternstrom

Stephen C. Thompson

George Tzanetakis

Christopher E. Waltham

Rand S. Worland

Shigeru Yoshikawa



Term to 2020:

Seiji Adachi

James W. Beauchamp

George A. Bissinger

Annabel J. Cohen

James P. Cottingham

Diana Deutsch

Jack Dostal

Uwe J. Hansen

Peter L. Hoekje

Thomas R. Moore

Robert W. Pyle

Peter Rucz

Gary P. Scavone

Stephen Tufte

Ex Officio:

William M. Hartmann, member of Membership Committee

Thomas R. Moore, member of Medals and Awards Committee

Eric S. Rokni, member of Student Council to fall 2019

Mark Rau, member of Student Council fall 2019 to fall 2021

Andrew C. H. Morrison, member of ASACOS